
ADPD-The Green Party published their 2022 manifesto

ADPD- The Green Party published their salient points from the 2022 manifesto. These proposals are based on their principles and vision -” a set of serious, and realistic proposals.”- ADPD

“Green sweeps clean.”-ADPD- The Green Party

ADPD say their agenda is that of a politics of service in the interests of the community.” A politics which is of service today, but which is based also on the interests of future generations. Of making things better than they are now, in our and their interest. We have candidates on the ballots of all electoral districts. With your help and your vote we will push forward our proposals.”- ADPD
Access the ADPD proposals which are available in both languages : ADPD-Manifesto-2022  
You can contact us by email : [email protected]