Clayton Bartolo secretly “brainstorming” district restauranteurs and hoteliers this week- Arnold Cassola Profs. Arnold Cassola an…
Category: Local News
Press conference regarding Education – ADPD
“Education – the smartest investment should be in those in the field”- ADPD ADPD –…
local supermarket with lack of products
People are asking about shelf stock outages in local supermarkets This morning people contacted Pm…
ADPD makes a strong case towards strengthening animal rights
ADPD makes a strong case towards strengthening animal rights and against spring hunting In a press…
Għeriexem: Kif Ian Borg u Frederick Azzopardi qarrqu bir-residenti- Arnold Cassola
Għeriexem: “Kif Ian Borg u Frederick Azzopardi qarrqu bir-residenti. Jittrattawhom ta’ żibel “- Arnold Cassola –…
Konferenza quddiem Kastilja mtella’ mill-ADPD
“Vot għal ADPD għal bidla mill-qiegħ fil-mod li ssir il-politika f’pajjiżna”-ADPD “Malta ttieklet minn ġewwa minħabba…
Covid deaths 2020 Malta
Covid deaths by Age & Gender 2020 Deaths by Gender According to the figures shown on…
Difiża tal-familja- Partit Popolari
Difiża tal-familja: inħarsu lill-familja mit-theddid ekonomiku u kulturali li qed tiffaċċja Waqt konferenza stampa li giet…
Arnold Cassola asks for Abela’s tax declarations
Independent Candidate Arnold Cassola asks for Abela’s tax rental declarations. Independent candidate Arnold Cassola asks…
Limitation in buying products
Lidl Malta has put a limit on the number of basic items customers can purchase Lidl…