Who supports the WHO’s pandemic treaty ?

Who is supporting the WHO pandemic treaty ?   India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi last week…

“The Price for Freedom”- Margaret Barahmandpour

We were pleased to have Margaret with us on yesterday’s Live-stream to talk about the story…

Friday the 13th lucky or unlucky ?

It’s Friday the 13th! While some people believe this day to be unfortunate, others believe it…

World Economic Forum Global Risks report

January 2022, World Economic Forum has published the Global risks Report 2022. In the GRPS, “livelihood…

Deutsche Bank ibassar riċessjoni tal-Istati Uniti is-sena d-dieħla.

Deutsche Bank huwa wieħed mill-ewwel banek ewlenin li jbassru riċessjoni fl-Istati Uniti. L-ekonomisti ta ‘Goldman Sachs…

Questioning Bio labs in Ukraine

The permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations (UN) office in Geneva has…

Sanctions against Russia trapped the West

The West is trapped because of it’s own illegal sanctions against Russia. The sanctions, which were…