Constitutional Case 20-04-22 updates

PM News Malta will be Updating today’s hearing shortly.


12:45-The hearing has not started since at the moment there are officials directing people to wear their masks properly.
The people that were sitting had to show the officials their medical exemptions.
13:00 – Hearing started.
First testimony U.S Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough.
The first question is about protocols.
He emphasized the importance of early intervention and mentioned 4 pillars.
First reducing the spread.
Second medical treatment to be started as soon as possible.
Dr. Peter McCullough mentions various medications that are used at home and insist again on the importance of early treatment.
He states that he managed to cure several patients with adequate medical treatments combined according to the case.
The third Pillar he mentions is Hospital admittance.
Fourth Pillar is the Vaccine he said. He agrees with the vaccines as long as they are safe to use.
He said that 12,000 deaths have been reported after the use of the vaccine. He start mentioning Myocarditis and said that Pfizer had 1000 deaths in the first 90 days. He continues by saying that 500 cases per million per year after the vaccine intake whereas before it was 4 cases per million related to cardiac problems. He speaks about two vaccine deaths in children after the Pfizer jab.
Dr. Ragonesi asks about his view on lockdowns.
Dr. McCullough replied that not only lockdowns didn’t work but also masks were a big fail. He pointed out that all the glass partitions in court are useless. The virus can’t be transmitted out in the streets as this is technically impossible.
13:40 Professor Ulrike Kaemmerer testimony
Profs. Kaemmerer started her testimony by explaining the use of the PCR test. She says that if a person have no symptoms the PCR is useless and continues explaining further how the PCR can also indicate false positives. She stated that the cycle should not be more than 30 otherwise the possibility would be that results are misleading such as false positives.