Hundreds of thousands of Euro worth of recently completed works (May 2023), forming part of Contracts Department tender IND-HHF-T048-21 (estimated value at €1.3 Million), are now earmarked for complete obliteration as part of the scope of another Contracts Department tender IND-HHF-T012-23 (estimated value at €4.8 Million).
The condemned works consist of an entire 440-meter length of heavily reinforced concrete retaining wall, almost two stories high and over half a meter thick, as shown in the photo hereunder. The site is referred to as HHF039 and is located in Hal Far.
It is unclear whether this waste of money, time, and resources is a result of bad workmanship, faulty design, or a planning blunder. It is equally uncertain whether anyone will be held accountable for this massive waste.
INDIS Malta is duty-bound to explain.
Photo attached
Arnold Cassola
Independent candidate