Seta’ kien Inċident li faċilment seta’ bagħat id-dinja l-oħra lil dawk li kienu rikba f’din il-karozza imma evitat bi ftit ċentimetri.
Mill-filmat joħroġ il-fatt Kemm hu importanti li toqgħod attenta waqt is-sewqan anke minħabba ħaddieħor. Grazzi lil Alla s-sewwieqa ġibdet lejn il-bankina għax kieku baqgħet għaddejja issuq kien ikun ċert li kien ikun inċident potenzjalment fatali.
It-tfajla jisimha Martina Camilleri għamlet dan l-appell
“The Malta Police Force Bonnici Group Look at what kind of reckless drivers you have on our roads. This person was very close to causing a fatality. This happened to me this morning driving from the airport to Luqa and could have ended VERY badly if it weren’t for my mother’s quick response and me slamming the breaks and going onto the pavement. What makes this worse is the driver continued speeding as though nothing had happened. He should be taken off the roads as he is clearly not fit to be taking on the responsibility of driving such a large vehicle. He is a hazard on the road”.