Welcome back to the second part of this article.
To continue further on the hospital matters, it is also a concern when it comes to old people communicating with foreign doctors and nurses since a misunderstanding may lead to a fatal issue. Although it may have been said that the locals are not interested in nursing, in my humble opinion should they be given the same opportunities and benefits that foreign nurses enjoy, we would have a different scenario than the one present.
Custom and tradition are also factors to be
considered. We are experiencing several incidents concerning attitude, behavior and beliefs amongst other characteristics. Some TCNs have different ideas of how to solve a dispute for example. In particular and considerable amount of situations, some of them are taking the law in their own hands with fatal endings. Nonetheless, on a side note, our courts are somehow encouraging these incentives as most often the penalties are ridiculous.
We also had incidents that were of concern to others as regards the way of how one sits, how one satisfies his sexual pleasures anywhere even on a bus full of people, the way of how one drives his bike or escooter and left everywhere after use, how one earns his money especially through drug trafficking , the way of how one dresses and eventually the way of everyday life.
A mixture of religions is now present on the island where beliefs are somehow different and may contradict each other. I still remember for example that the cross was to be removed from classrooms so as not to ‘bother’ children with different beliefs. Refugees are put together in centers and ignoring their different religion is resulting to gang disputes and fights.
Old people especially are finding a language barrier when they want to buy food, groceries and everyday needs from a food store employing only foreign workers as the employer states that s/he cannot find any locals to employ.
It has become a matter of adaptability but in the other way round since it transpires that the Maltese citizens have to adapt to foreigners in their own country. At times this is well noticed by some foreigners who gladly take advantage of the situation.
By no means that this article is intended to offend anyone especially foreigners visiting the country, but these are facts of reality and which are raised by locals informing me about different issues so as for me to write.
Eventually there will be a part 3 to this article. Stay in touch!