We stayed quiet till now on the case that erupted last week, where it was claimed on all major Maltese media outlets, within just a few minutes of each other, that there had been an incident at San Gwann Primary School where the Christian parents of a couple of children attending this particular school, decided to remove their children from it simply because the teacher of one of them was gay and had a rainbow on his bag. We stayed quiet because we waited, hoping to hear more, especially from these parents, before coming to some sort of conclusion.
However, apart from what was repeated across all the media, we heard nothing else about these parents. While no time was wasted at all to orchestrate interviews with the teacher involved and taking various statements from politicians, it seems no one bothered to try and get a few words out of these parents. Not only that, but despite the seemingly abrupt, extreme action taken by these parents, they just as suddenly, went back on their decision only a couple of days later. Case closed according to the media, and everything was now back to “normal”. It’s almost like someone wanted this to be buried, just as quickly as it was birthed.
All this raises a number of questions. For instance, how come no media outlet showed any interest at all in trying to find out who these parents were, when we all know how much they love a good outrageous story and painting anyone who goes against certain agendas in a bad light? What a scoop that would be, no? Being the first to interview these parents? How come no one jumped on this excellent opportunity?
Some more, sceptical, yet necessary questions:
1. How can we confirm if this story is actually true?
2. If this incident did indeed take place, can we hear what the parents involved have to say before everyone decides to act as judge and jury?
3. Are we simply meant to naively believe everything that was reported by the media, hearing only one side of the argument without being given the opportunity to hear the other, or ask questions?
4. Was this possibly some kind of ruse to usher in some law that is in the pipeline, ready to erode further, parents’ rights in the name of inclusivity?
We also noticed some similarities in the media’s and politicians’ reactions to this incident, and another incident that happened not too long ago, involving an American woman who, inconveniently (or maybe conveniently?), happened to be in Malta of all places, when complications with her pregnancy arose as we were told. Remember what parliament did soon after that particular incident?
Somehow, all this seems to be very opportune for the government, providing another excuse to:
- Further bulldoze the parents aside and alienating them;
- Shutting them up through fear of speaking out, helped no less, by the general population, which was ready to let its emotions run wild before asking any of the aforementioned questions. Just see the majority of the people’s reactions and comments on the articles reporting the incident!; and
- Demonising (ironically) anyone who expresses any form of concern for their own children.
Forgive our scepticism, but this sure does smell foul.
Just a little.