PmnewsMalta se jibda jkollu programm kull nhar ta’ Erbgħa fis-6 pm kemm fuq FB kif ukoll fuq Twitch.

Ara l-programm fuq Fb jew Twitch kull nhar ta Erbgha.
PmnewsMalta se jibda jkollu programm Live-Stream kull nhar ta’ Erbgħa fis-6 pm minħabba l-ammont ta’ xogħol li jinvolvi dan il-programm u biex intejbu wkoll il-programm ser nippruvaw ninkludu aktar minn mistieden wieħed f’kull programm. Il-programm se jdum madwar siegħa u nofs. Nirringrazzjaw lit-telespettaturi tagħna li dejjem jagħżlu li jaraw il-programmi tagħna, aħna impenjati li ntejbu kemm jista’ jkun il-kwalità tal-programm. Kwalunkwe Sponsors huma milqugħa.
See the program on Fb or Twitch every Wednesday.
PmnewsMalta will start having a Live-Stream program every Wednesday at 6 pm due to the amount of work involved in this program and to improve the program we will also try to include more than one guest in each program. The program will last about an hour and a half. We thank our viewers for always choosing to watch our programs, we are committed to improving the quality of the program as much as possible. Any Sponsors are welcome.

Contact us on : [email protected]