In recent months, we have heard the phrases “equality” and “diversity” more frequently. I’m still trying…
Tag: children
Restrictions lifted but face masks are still obligatory at Esplora
After receiving an email from their summer school coordinator stating that a mask is essential for…
COVID Shots Coming for Kids Under 5 in June
The FDA committee will meet in open session to discuss the following: On June 14, 2022,…
UK Cinemas to introduce digital ID cards for children
May 30-The UK Cinema Association announced a partnership with digital identity provider Yoti, with participating member…
WHO reported 1 death connected with mysterious Hepatitis outbreak
On April 23, World Health Organisation stated that 1 child died from this Hepatitis mysterious outbreak…
Updated Guidelines for the Education Sector
Updated Guidelines for the Education Sector – Effective from 25th April 2022 Public health published…
Dr Soler reaction on masks in schools
After months of explaining the medical science and providing evidence that masks in schools have no…
Jizdiedu l-inċertezzi jekk ux ser jitneħħew il-maskri mill-iskejjel
Uħud mill-iskejjel qed jgħidu lill-istudenti u lill-għalliema li se jkollhom jirritornaw l-iskola l-ġimgħa d-dieħla bil-maskri jekk…
Parents once again worried about masks in schools
Parents asking what will happen regarding masks mandates in Schools A group of parents contacted…
More concerns regarding mask mandates
More parents show their disapproval of Mask mandates A group of parents today have decided…