Video – NATO Allies practise submarine hunting in Exercise Dynamic Manta 23

NATO Allies practise submarine hunting in Exercise Dynamic Manta 23 Naval forces from nine Allied countries are participating…

NATO’s new multinational battlegroup in Slovakia declared combat-ready

NATO’s new multinational battlegroup in Slovakia is now officially operational, following months of deployments and integration…

NATO’s Air Shielding mission

NATO’s Air Shielding mission is an increased air and missile defence posture along the Alliance’s eastern…

Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo

The conflict between Serbia and Kosovo has returned as new guidelines that were due to enter…

Croatian Special Forces team up with US Navy SEALs with Footage

Special operations on dry land are one thing – but quite another in the water. That’s…

Three countries still do not hold Russia solely responsible for the conflict in Ukraine.

According to a new study conducted by the Bratislava-based think tank GLOBSEC, over half of respondents…

Netherlands offers military protection to Finland and Sweden

According to the NL Times, Defence Minister Kajsa Ollongren stated that Sweden and Finland may rely…

Il-passi li jmiss – L-Isvezja tapplika biex tkun parti fis-sħubija tan-Nato

L-Iżvezja kkonfermat li l-pajjiż se japplika għal sħubija tan-Nato f’bidla storika li ġejja bħala riżultat tal-invażjoni…

Moska – se twieġeb jekk in-NATO tressaq il-forzi nukleari eqreb lejn il-fruntiera tar-Russja.

Moska se tieħu miżuri ta’ prekawzjoni adegwati jekk in-NATO tuża forzi nukleari u infrastruttura eqreb lejn…

Turkey’s president opposes letting Finland, Sweden join NATO

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday that his country is “not favorable” toward Finland and…