Il-gvern Kanadiż qed jaħdem b’ambizzjoni għall sistema Diġitali fil-Kanada li tinkludi dettalji dwar “Programm ta ‘Identità…
Tag: Trudeau
During G7 meeting discussing about inflations and rising pressure on Russia
Four G7 countries will ban Russian gold exports in a new attempt to block capitalists from…
Trudeau and Johnson with a message for Ukraine
As the @G7 gathers in Germany, Prime Minister @BorisJohnson and I want to be very clear…
Trudeau Triple vaccinated, second time positive for Covid
Days after meeting with President Joe Biden in person, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tested positive for…
A new law in Canada will restrict the market for handguns.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has proposed legislation that would prohibit the import, purchase, or sale…