Today’s hearing Constitutional Case

 Two world renowned medical scientific experts will be participating in today’s hearing  BALDACCHINO ET VS SUPRETENDENT TAS-SAHHA PUBBLIKA CONSTITUTIONAL COURT SITTING OF THE 20.04.22 FROM 12.00 NOON – 14.00
Dr Peter McCullough. A former professor at several Universities, a cardiologist and specialist in Internal Medicine. With more than 600 publications in the National Library of Medicine and 50 publications specific to COVID-19 is one of the most published medical scientists in the world. He has previously testified in the U.S. Senate regarding Pandemic Response. Dr. McCullough will be giving his expert opinion on the “four pillars of pandemic response”. CV Attached.
 Professor Ulrike Kaemmerer. A Professor at the Research Lab, Unjiversity Hospital of Wurzburg, Germany, with 216 publications, Dr Kaemmerer is a renowned molecular biologist, RT-PCR specialist, cell biologist, trained virologist and immunologist. Prof Kaemmerer will be giving her expert opinion on the validity and efficiency or otherwise of the PCR tests used to diagnose Covid 19 infections and patients, and on the effectiveness of natural immunity and of the current Covid 19 vaccines.
Prof Kaemmerer will also be submitting a detailed expert opinion in writing to the Court.
PM News Malta will be updating the sitting at real time.