Washington, D.C. – January 31, 2025 – Former U.S. President Donald Trump has issued a stern warning to the BRICS bloc, threatening to impose 100% tariffs on its member nations if they attempt to replace the U.S. dollar with an alternative currency for global trade.
“The idea that the BRICS Countries are trying to move away from the Dollar, while we stand by and watch, is OVER. We are going to require a commitment from these seemingly hostile Countries that they will neither create a new BRICS Currency, nor back any other Currency to replace the mighty U.S. Dollar or, they will face 100% Tariffs, and should expect to say goodbye to selling into the wonderful U.S. Economy. They can go find another sucker Nation. There is no chance that BRICS will replace the U.S. Dollar in International Trade, or anywhere else, and any Country that tries should say hello to Tariffs, and goodbye to America!”
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Trump warns BRICS nations, says ‘100 per cent tariff if they move away from US dollar’
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