In a press release Independent candidate Arnold Cassola stated that two and a half years ago he filed a kwerela asking the Police to investigate and prosecute Frederick Azzopardi for environmental crimes in pillaging the protected Valley of Wied Qirda.
“I even sent a reminder when Commissioner Cutajar was replaced by Commissioner Gafa’.The latter even answered me the following:
“Prof Cassola,
B’referenza għall-kwerela tiegħek ninfurmak li l-każ qiegħed f’idejn l-Environmental Protection Unit fi ħdan il-Korp.
Grazzi u sliem, Angelo Gafa’ ”
Nothing happened in the following year and a half.
Then last week – while abroad – the Police phoned me to give evidence. I informed them that I am away. I have filed an application before the Magistrate asking for an adjournment so I can reveal important information about the case.
I hope that the delay in prosecution was not deliberate, so that the offences may be time barred. I cannot understand why the contractor following Azzopardi’s orders was prosecuted and found responsible, whilst Azzopardi received different treatment.” stated Cassola.