PM Robert Abela promised to lift all restrictions

Prime Minister Robert Abela promised to lift all restrictions

Robert Abela addressed the Nation after being sworn in as Malta’s eighth prime minister on Monday and said that soon all COVID restrictions will be lifted and leave it up to people to decide how to secure their well-being.

The prime minister said he would still seek the advice of experts on the matter.

“The pandemic has taken too much from us. Children and young people have lost more than 24 months of the best part of their lives. We must now look forward and regain our freedom.”

“I have no doubt that we will keep finding challenges, but we can overcome them if we do so together,” he added. “The only obstacle we can face is if we fail to believe in ourselves.”

Abela also said his government would listen to those who chose not to go to the vote- turnout this time was the lowest since independence – and work to make them feel comfortable voting for who they think is best suited to lead the country in the next election.


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