Maħsub Li l-Ministri taħt Kwarantina wara li ħadu l ġurament tal-ħatra Maħsub li l-Ministri spiċċaw…
Month: March 2022
The pope visit will include discussion on migration
The Pope will be speaking about migration while he will be visiting the Maltese Island. …
More concerns regarding mask mandates
More parents show their disapproval of Mask mandates A group of parents today have decided…
Health Minister test positive for Covid-19
Health Minister Chris Fearne has tested positive for Covid-19. The minister announced this on Facebook.…
China applies restrictions on Visa for US official
China has decided to restrict visas for U.S. officials China has decided to restrict visas for…
ABBA -ceremony on Freedom Day
Does Freedom Day hold any significance in the Malta of Today? ABBA On the occasion…
Updated preparedness plan by WHO
WHO is releasing our updated Strategic Preparedness, Readiness, and Response Plan for COVID-19. During yesterday’s Press…
A concerned parent regarding masks in school
Concerned Parent showing disappointment with masks mandates in schools Earlier today Mr. Daniele Baraggioli went…
Ittra sabiex issir investigazzjoni- Cassola
Arnold Cassola jippreżenta ittra oħra lill Kummisjoni Elettorali Profs.Cassola għall darboħra b’ittra ndirizzata lill- Kummisjoni Elettorali…
Niddefendu l-valur ta’ kull vot-ADPD
Niddefendu l-valur ta’ kull vot -ADPD “F’demokrazija b’saħħita, kull vot jgħodd u l-ebda vot ma…