It is no secret that the media in Malta has been captured by the state. It…
Category: Blog
Can We Ever be Redeemed?
You would think that terms such as gaslighting, stonewalling, ghosting, hoovering, grandiose, manipulation, victim playing, blame…
Cloud seeding could potentially work for Malta.
Cloud seeding could potentially work in a small country like Malta, but its effectiveness would depend…
Tiptoeing Around the Killing of the Unborn.
In an era of post-truth, people who are pro-life have been branded anti-choicers, whilst people…
Freedom of Speech Under Fire: Right-wing Parties Silenced Ahead of European Parliament Elections
Two months ahead of the European Parliament elections scheduled for June, a contentious debate over freedom…
Escalating Tensions: The Aftermath of the Iranian Consulate Attack
On April 1st, the Iranian consulate in Damascus fell victim to an attack, an incident…
Ejja nagħmlu kull vot jgħodd u nħaddnu l-qawwa tal-bidla
Hekk kif qed joqorbu l-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew, iÄ‹-Ä‹ittadini għal darb’oħra qed jiffaÄ‹Ä‹jaw id-deÄ‹iżjoni kruÄ‹jali li jitfgħu…
Unveiling the Dark Chapter of History: AKTION T4 and the Holocaust
In the annals of human history, there exist moments of unfathomable darkness, where the depths of…
Andrew Zammit Soler – Embracing freedom of the mind.
Embracing the freedom of the mind is akin to tending a garden; what you sow, you…
Il-Ftehim ta’ Pariġi li ġie ffirmat minn Malta fit-22 ta’ April 2016. X’inhu eżattament?
Il-Ftehim ta’ PariÄ¡i huwa trattat internazzjonali adottat f’DiÄ‹embru 2015 taħt il-Konvenzjoni Qafas tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti dwar it-Tibdil…