April 28, WHO published a press release about exploitative formula milk marketing.
Parents, particularly mothers, are being insidiously and repeatedly targeted online, according to WHO’s second study in a series documenting exploitative marketing techniques deployed by the $55 billion infant formula sector.
A new World Health Organization (WHO) report titled Scope and impact of digital marketing strategies for promoting breast-milk substitutes has outlined the digital marketing techniques designed to influence the decisions new families make on how to feed their babies.
WHO states that Formula milk firms can acquire or collect personal information and deliver targeted advertising to new pregnant women and moms using methods such as apps, virtual support groups or ‘baby-clubs,’ sponsored social media influencers, promotions and competitions, and advice forums or services.
“The promotion of commercial milk formulas should have been terminated decades ago,” said Dr Francesco Branca, Director of the WHO Nutrition and Food Safety department. “The fact that formula milk companies are now employing even more powerful and insidious marketing techniques to drive up their sales is inexcusable and must be stopped.”
WHO has called on the baby food industry to end exploitative formula milk marketing, and on governments to protect new children and families by enacting, monitoring and enforcing laws to end all advertising or other promotion of formula milk products.
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