Il-paġna tal-FaceBook tal-PMN Malta ġiet magħluqa għal darb’oħra minn FaceBook.

Attakk ieħor fuq il-paġna tal-PMN Malta mill-pjattaforma Facebook.

Għat-tieni darba FB għażel li jagħlaq kompletament il-paġna PMN MALTA dik ta’ FB  dan minħabba żewġ episodji li huma, darba għax  għamilna share fuq il-paġna PMN ta’FB  tal-programm “Il-politiku” li huwa ppreżentat min Malcolm Seychell, FB  bgħatilna l-ewwel flag li skond hu dan jikser ir-regoli u li dan imur kontra l-istandards tal-komunità ta’ FB. Dan ix-share kien jikkonsisti biss fid-dħul ta’sigla tal-programm “il-politiku”.
Wara ftit għamilna programm ta’ dibattitu fiq “Il-politiku”dan kien episodju 33  ppreżentat minn Malcolm Seychell u dibattitu kien bejn żewġ dibattturi Mario Camilleri  u Fr David Muscat, it-tema kienet votanti vs non-votanti. Wara ftit dan l-programm kien shared  fuq il-paġna FB PMN MALTA, ġara li wara ftit ġranet il-FB  bagħtulna avviż ieħor ta’ flag bi ksur tal-community standards li l-paġna PMN MALTA qed għal darb’oħra qed tagħti possibilment  spazju għal xi nies perikolużi u li skont huma  il-mistieden  Fr. David Muscat  imur  kontra  l-istandards komunitarji ta’ FB.
Wara ftit ġimgħat  mingħajr ebda avviż sibna li l-paġna tagħna m’għadhiex tidher iktar fuq il-pjattaforma tal-FB.
 Ktibna l-FB u għamilna l-appelli tagħna iżda waqa’ kollox fuq widnejn torox.

Jidher li qed titkompla ċ-ċensura kontra PMN Malta u li ovvjament ħadd u l-ebda assoċjazzjoni tal-ġurnalisti  Maltin qatt ma tkellmet kontra din iċ-ċensura.
PMN se tkompli tagħmel minn kollox sabiex tiġi eliminata ċ-ċensura, dejjem iddikjarajna li aħna kontra kull ċensura u li naqblu ma’ libertà tal-espressjoni u li kulħadd għandu dritt għaliha anke skont kapitlu 4 tal-kostituzzjoni ta’ Maltija.

English version

Another Attack on PMN Malta from Facebook.
For the second time FB has chosen to shut down completely the PMN FB page, The first flag was caused as we shared on FB, PMN page the intro of “Il Politiku” which is presented by Malcolm Seychell. FB  states that we broke its rules and that this goes against the community standards of FB. This share consisted only in the introduction of the intro of program “Il-Politiku”.
After a while we did a program on “Il-politiku” this was episode 33 conducted by Mr. Malcolm Seychell and with him, there were two debaters, Mario Camilleri, and Fr David Muscat, the theme of the program was voters vs non-voters this was carried out on YouTube. After a while this program we shared it on our PMN MALTA FB page, it happened that after a few days, FB sent us the second flag stating that we violated again there community standards and that PMN MALTA is once again giving space to dangerous people and according to FB Fr. David Muscat goes against FB’s community standards as he is a dangerous person.
After a few weeks of this incident, we found that our page no longer appears on FB.
We wrote to FB and made our appeals but everything fell on deaf ears.
It seems that the censorship against PMN Malta is continuing and that of course, no union of Maltese journalists has ever spoken against this censorship.
PMN will continue to fight against censorship, we have always been against censorship and we fully agree with the freedom of expression and we agree that everyone has the right to speak and thus we give the chance to everyone to do so even according to the chapter 4 of the constitution of Malta and EU law.