Wara bosta tentattivi sabiex jippruvaw jwaqqfu l-paġna ta’ PM News Malta minn fuq FaceBook, fl-aħħar jider li rnexxilhom jiksbu dak li xtaqu.
L-ewwel rapport kien sar propju meta xandarna “live” l-event tal-Imperum Ewropa, fejn tkellem is-Sur Norman Lowell, 8 ta’ Settembru li għamlu quddiem il-monument tal-assedju l-kbir. Ftit wara rċevejna rapport ieħor meta tellajna artiklu tal-Partit Imperum Ewropa ġewwa l-Belt. Illum 5 ta` Ottubru erġajna rċevejna rapport ieħor minnħabba li tellajna l-protesta Nazzjonali li saret nhar il-Ħadd li għadda ġewwa l-Belt Valletta dik organizzata mill-Partit Nazzjonalista.
Kienu bosta tentattivi sabiex minn naħa tagħna nikkuntattjaw lill amministrazzjoni ta’ FaceBook imma qatt ma kellna risposta.
Għaldaqstant inħeġġu s-segwaċi ta’ PM News Malta sabiex jkomplu jsegwuna fuq is-sit uffiċċjali www.pmnewsmalta.com, fuq Twitch Channel għal-live streams u kif jkollna l-ammont ta’ followers meħtieġ fuq TikTok.
Għalkemm dan l-aħħar ġew mressqa proposti għal liberta ta’ l’espressjoni u l kelma fejn jidħol ġurnaliżmu, jidher ċar li b’dak li ġara il-kelma tal-ġurnalisti għadha mhedda.
Aħna ser nkomplu dak li bdejna u m’aħniex ser nieqfu għall ebda intimidazzjoni sabiex nwasslu l-verita, kif sewwa u xieraq.
English Version :
Our Facebook page is closed this was after many attempts to try to stop the page of PM News Malta from FaceBook, in the end, it turns out that they managed to get what they wanted.
The first report was made just when we broadcast “live” the event of Imperum Europe, where Mr. Norman Lowell spoke, on 8 September which they did in front of the monument of the great siege. A little later we received another report when we uploaded an article of the Imperum Europe Party in the City. Today, October 5, we received another report because we uploaded the National protest that took place last Sunday in Valletta, the one organized by the Nationalist Party. There were many attempts to contact the administration of FaceBook but we never had an answer.
Therefore we encourage the followers of PM News Malta to continue following us on the official site www.pmnewsmalta.com, on Twitch Channel for the live streams and how to get the required amount of followers on TikTok.Although proposals have recently been put forward for freedom of expression and speech when it comes to journalism, it seems clear that with what happened the journalists’ speech is still threatened. We will continue what we started and we will not stop for any intimidation in order to convey the truth, as is right and appropriate.