Filmat – Arnold Cassola qal li l-PN huwa rikattat fuq il-kwistjonijiet tal-Abort.

F’podcast skedat li jixxandar nhar it-Tnejn li ġej fuq l-istazzjon PMNMALTA, il-Professur Arnold Cassola iddiskuta l-abort.…

Arnold Cassola Condemns Prime Minister’s Arrogance and Lack of Accountability

In a recent press release, Arnold Cassola, a prominent figure and an independent candidate for the…

Arnold Cassola – Xaghra: Has an old cave been destroyed?

In a recent press release, Professor Arnold Cassola raised alarming allegations surrounding the demolition of the…

Arnold Cassola – Gozo isolated from the World for 3 hours a week

.Profs Arnold Cassola Press Release – Gozo’s Three-Hour Isolation: A Wake-Up Call for Maltese Politics In…

Hal Far project: INDIS Malta throws away 1.3 million euros of taxpayer money

Hundreds of thousands of Euro worth of recently completed works (May 2023), forming part of Contracts…

Arnold Cassola- reactions to Von der Leyen State of the Union speech

 Generally speaking, the speech is a positive one. But the distance and gap between speeches denoting political vision…

Superintendence for Cultural Heritage slams Fomm ir-Riħ illegal works

Wednesday, 15, March, 2023, in a Press Release, Arnold Cassola, Independent Candidate, states the following :…

Cassola in Press Release: Smart City a replica of the Vitals scandal?

March 14, 2023, Independent Candidate Arnold Cassola in a press release stated : “With regards to…

Cassola writes to Superintendence Cultural Heritage for protection

Independent candidate Arnold Cassola writes to Superintendence Cultural Heritage for the protection of Pembroke hidden Reservoir.…

Infrastructure Malta has refused to reveal its dealings and its role in the Marsa Junction

Six weeks ago Independent Candidate Arnold Cassola had filed a Freedom of Information request for copies…