An operation is planned to get civilians out of Azovstal

On April 28, Dmitry Peskov, a spokesperson for Russian President Vladimir Putin, said that people are…

Musk jgħid li Twitter għandu jkun ‘newtrali’

Elon Musk qal li Twitter għandu jkun “politikament newtrali”, f’kumment li tpoġġa nhar L-Erbgħa filgħaxija wara…

Enemalta negotiated new agreements to Liquified Natural Gas supply.

Malta’s energy provider, Enemalta, has negotiated new agreements to lock in pricing for “a significant amount”…

Bulgaria becomes a regional gas supply hub.

After meeting with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans on…

Avviżi Legali marbuta mar-rilaxx ta’ wħud mill-miżuri ġew ippubblikati

L-Avviżi Legali marbuta mar-rilaxx ta’ wħud mill-miżuri ta’ restrizzjonijiet għal kontra t-tixrid tal-COVID-19, ġew ippubblikati u…

WHO responds to Elon Musk’s Twitter acquisition

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been a contentious Twitter partner. WHO responds to Elon Musk’s…

MEP Alex Aguis with his reactions on Elon Musk

MEP Alex Aguis Saliba yesterday posted a video on his Facebook page to explain his tweets…

EU Says Moving Out Of ‘Emergency Mode’ On Covid Pandemic

As the Covid-19 outbreak advances out of the “acute” phase, EU authorities stated Wednesday that the…

Pfizer EUA application for booster to children 5 to 11 years old

April 26, Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE submitted an application to the U.S. Food and Drug…

Putin Meets with UN Secretary-General

April 26, Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres in the…