Digital Euro Advantages and disadvantages.

What is the digital euro? The digital euro is a digital form of the euro, the…

Unveiling the Dark Facets of the Most Sinister Industry.

 In the realm of commerce, few sectors have garnered as much infamy and controversy as the…

The EU’s Pledge to Ban Products of Forced labour and Ensuring Ethical Supply Chains

 Forced labor remains a significant challenge in global supply chains, implicating various industries and perpetuating human…

Unraveling the Mystery of Chemtrails and weather modification : Fact vs Fiction

Let’s start this article with what chemtrails are and highlight the Myths that surround them. Introduction: In…

The Hidden Costs of Electronic VAT Systems: Unveiling the Burden on Businesses

The Hidden Costs of Electronic VAT Systems: Unveiling the Burden on Businesses In recent years, the…

War between Ukraine and Russia

We have now entered the third year of the war between Ukraine and Russia and very…

Il-barbier tal-Ħamrun Kusi Dismark se jiġi deportat wara 13-il sena f’Malta. Ijja din ħaġa Sew?

Wara żmien twil jaħdem fostna u integrat fis-soċjetà Kusi Dismark se jiġi deportat b’arroganza li tara…

“Ħallu t-tfal jibqgħu tfal ! “

Hekk kif qed joqrob Settembru, ix-xahar li ser jospita’ l-“Gay Pride” ġewwa l-gżejjer Maltin, nhar is-Sibt,…

Blog: Nemendaw il-liġi kif jaqblilna ?

Wara post li tella’ dalgħodu l-Ministru għall-Intern, Sigurtà, Riformi u Ugwaljanza Byron Camilleri dalgħodu fuq il-profil…

Stat li jkisser il-familja jkun qiegħed ikisser l-għeruq tas-soċjetà tiegħu stess.

Stat li jkisser il-familja jkun qiegħed ikisser l-għeruq tas-soċjetà tiegħu stess. Meta f’pajjiżna naraw statistika li…