Filmat -PMNews MALTA intervistat lil Ivan Grech Mintoff u lil sieħbu Simon Elmer

L-għada taċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta’ Jum l-Indipendenza f’Malta, PMNews MALTA intervistat lil Ivan Grech Mintoff u lil sieħbu Simon Elmer, kienu n-nies li ssimbolizzaw id-dissens tagħhom billi tefgħu bajd f’riġlejn il-Prim Ministru. Dan l-att drammatiku qanqal diskussjoni mifruxa u qajjem mistoqsijiet dwar in-natura tal-protesta, PMN Malta kellha intervista maż-żewġ politiċi tal-partit ABBA.


Filmat tal-protesta ta’ dak li ġara lbieraħ fic-ċelebrazzjoni ta’ Jum l-Indipendenza f’Malta

@pmn_malta♬ original sound – PNM MALTA

Later at around noon the ABBA Party made a press release
ABBA party’s insists that its egg-throwing protest yesterday was a peaceful one
Ivan Grech Mintoff stated ” As can be seen clearly in the video, I was easily in reach of Robert Abela who could easily have been covered in eggs if we wanted to. Instead, we threw the eggs at his feet as a gesture of repulsion whilst sending a very clear message to him: Stop lying to the Maltese people and start doing the will of the people.

Forty-five years ago the people of Malta chose and voted to never again be directly involved in other belligerent’s wars and this was written into our Constitution – the highest law of the land.

Today we have a Prime Minister who has an illegal agreement with NATO and is sending military personnel into others’ military operations. He does this in full agreement with the opposition and we have a Maltese representative who, as President of the European Parliament also openly breaks our Constitution and the wishes of the Maltese people.

Even worse, our Prime Minister uses Freedom Day celebrations to tell us that he is guaranteeing our neutrality whilst actively breaking it.

Our protest was specifically to highlight this blatant abuse of power by all of our representatives. It is dishonorable and disrespectful. As such, we also have no reason to respect them when they do so, so openly!

We have asked in the past and are asking again for the Prime minister to debate with us on this most important matter in a civilized manner and to answer the questions that we have for him based on relevant documents and evidence at hand.

He has refused to honour this obligation in the past and to face our serious accusations. If he fails to do so again then he should know that we are not going to fade quietly away but will be disrespecting him further and honouring the people with the truth that they should all be aware of.

We await for him to accept our polite invitation to a public debate or else we will have no option but to take further steps to restore some real dignity and much-needed order to our Country