Small Political Parties and Independent Candidates could Boycott Broadcasting Authority Programs Over Unfair Time Allocation

Skema ta’ Xandiriet għall-Elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew 2024

Minor political parties and independent candidates are considering opting out of the organized scheme of political broadcasts, due to a perceived unfair time allocation, asserting their right to debate alongside major parties for equitable representation
In a recent development, small political parties and independent candidates who are thinking of making a drastic decision to abstain from participating in the programs organized by the broadcasting authority. Citing concerns about an unfair time scheme, they argue that the current allocation disadvantages them and undermines democratic principles.
From information that we at PMNews Malta have received reveals that these entities are protesting against what they consider a biased allocation of time that favors the main parties. They claim that participating in debates alone, as proposed by the format of the program, deprives them of the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions together with larger counterparts.
The representatives of the boycott parties emphasize the importance of equality in the debates, while recommending inclusion together with the main parties to ensure a balanced discourse. They emphasize that democracy demands fair and adequate representation for all political voices, regardless of size or influence.
The boycott highlights wider concerns about media fairness and the need for transparent electoral practices. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges facing smaller political entities to gain visibility and influence in the political arena.
.We have also been informed that next Friday 19 April there will be a meeting between party representatives, independent candidates and the broadcasting authority where this issue will be raised and if it is not resolved then a boycott will take place.

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