EU protection against legal actions that silence critical voices

Journalists, media organisations, activists, academics, artists and researchers should be protected against unfounded and abusive legal…

IRIS²: the new EU Secure Satellite Constellation

The IRIS2 Satellite Constellation is the European Union’s answer to pressing challenge of tomorrow, offering enhanced…

Marc Angel elected Vice-President of the European Parliament

On Wednesday 18th January 2023, in a secret vote, Marc ANGEL (S&D, LU) received an absolute…

Uber Files hearing: MEPs concerned about workers’ rights and protection

The EU has the means to give platform workers the social protection and working conditions they…

Qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia: l-obbligu ta’ rendikont u r-riformi huma “skarsi”, jgħidu l-MPE

Ħames snin wara l-qtil ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia, il-Parlament jagħti ġieħ lill-ġurnalista u jħares lejn l-istat…

Il-MPE lill-G20: żidu l-miri tat-tibdil fil-klima qabel il-COP27.

L-UE għandha turi tmexxija billi tgħolli l-mira tagħha għat-tnaqqis tal-emissjonijiet sal-2030    L-attakk Russu fuq l-Ukrajna…

Economic and Monetary Affairs MEPs finish their visit to Washington, D.C.

Members of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) concluded a five-day visit to Washington, D.C.…

Pegasus Spy ware inquiry: MEPs finish fact-finding visit to Israel

Following the alleged use of the Pegasus surveillance spyware against journalists, politicians, law enforcement officials, diplomats,…

MEPs conclude a fact-finding visit to Poland

July 20, a delegation of the Budgetary Control Committee, led by chair Monika Hohlmeier, concluded their…

MEP’S demand to include the right to abortion in EU

During a plenary session July 7, MEPs strongly condemn once more the backsliding in women’s rights…